This filling agent (SculptraTM) contains poly-L-lactic acid, a biocompatible, biodegradable synthetic polymer (the body breaks it down or metabolizes it) in the alpha-hydroxy acid family (fruit acids).
Sculptra biostimulates the body’s own production of collagen to restore volume in the face. It can also be used to correct skin folds such as wrinkles, fine lines, furrows and scars. Sculptra can be used elsewhere on the body, for example, to increase buttock tone and volume, or to reduce cellulite dimples.
The number of treatments needed varies by individual. We generally expect from two to four treatments for the face, and two to eight treatments to improve buttock texture, firmness, or contour.
This treatment has been used medically for many years for dissolving stiches, and does not require a skin allergy test.
The injection amount and technique will vary depending on the area to be treated. The effect may last up to two years, although it could be longer or shorter.